Robyn Tang is an American illustrator, printmaker, and watercolor painter. A New York City-born artist, her work is evocative of her personal experiences and dreams.

Quick gestures create movement, from which a feminine form emerges. Moments are composed of unspoken experiences that pass quickly into memory. Tang’s figures are often caught in reflection, fragmented, and existing within their own individual space detached from the viewer. They exist for themselves and require no explanation.

“Ink was the first 'serious' medium I worked with as a child. I was given an ink block, a porcelain bowl, a brush and rice paper, and was taught how to write the characters of my name. When I begin drawing, I often think of it as writing a signature. A quick gesture that conveys a sense of mystery, like a trail of smoke in a dark theatre.”

Robyn Tang’s work exists in private collections throughout North America, Europe and Australia.